Archive for the ‘Paint Shop Pro Tubes’ Category

Paint Shop Pro Picture Tube 

Version 7 and lower

Version 8 and higher


The easiest way to create Picture Tubes for PSP is to use a PNG file.

Note: Depending on the iamge you may have to increase color to 24bit.

For this tutorial I picked an image from School of Disney.



Open it up in Paint Shop Pro and resize if you want a smaller tube.

Go to the top menu File > Export > Picture Tube


Click on Image for Full View – > File > Export > Picture Tube

Click Image for Full View - PSP auto fills the Export Picture Tube Menu you just need to add a name.

Click Image for Full View – PSP auto fills the Export Picture Tube Menu you just need to add a name.

Now your picture tube is ready for use to use the picture tube click the picture tube icon on the tool bar.



In the Picture Tube – Tool Options use the down arrow to select the picture tube you can make adjustments on this menu.


Click Image for Full View – Tool Option Menu for Picture Tubes Use the Arrow to Pick the Tube You Created.

That is it you created a picture tube!

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