Making Custom Brushes – PSP 7.02 (Paint Shop Pro)





Custom brushes can be made from an image that is no bigger then 255 by 255 pixels. To start select an image you want to turn into a brush tip. I’ll show you with the clip art shown below To use the same example right click the image and save picture.

Using the magic wand tool set your settings to the ones listed on the palette.

Click on any white area surrounding the image. A marquee should be visible surrounding the image. Shown below.

On your drop down menu option choose Selection/click/invert or ALT + S/ .

Now that you have the image selected choose your brush tool Click on the brush tip on the second tab of palette a side menu should appear click custom.

Another palette should appear.

To create, click on create or ALT and C. Your done the tip should appear in the window of the palette as seen above.
Finished product on a white background.

Note: Tip files end with a JBR extension. They automatically save in your default brush folder.



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