Installing Brushes in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

Once you have downloaded the brush you want to use you should unzip it to your  folder > Presets\Brushes


Open Photoshop

On the tool bar click on the brush icon

In the Tools Options bar, click the arrow next to the Brush pop up to display the pop up panel then click on the >> arrows to open the sub menu.

Click on image to full view.

On the side menu click Preset Manager.

Click on image to full view.

On the Preset Manager Menu click on Load button and browse for the brushes you want to install.  Once you load the brushes click done.

Click on image to full view.

Go back to the Tools Options bar, click the arrow next to the Brush pop up to display the pop up panel then click on the >> arrows to open the sub menu and click the save brushes on the bottom of the menu.

Click on image to full view.
Click on image to full view.




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